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V.1.11.0 installed but OPC DA datasource is not there :(
I used localhost and it worked fine.
Tried to add manually (with the import feature) a data point type string like that :
{ "dataPoints":[ { "xid":"DP_999323", "loggingType":"ON_CHANGE", "intervalLoggingPeriodType":"MINUTES", "intervalLoggingType":"INSTANT", "purgeType":"YEARS", "pointLocator":{ "dataType":"ALPHANUMERIC", "settable":false, "tag":"PCC1.AR01.A0_ssys_ddmmyy00" }, "eventDetectors":[ ], "engineeringUnits":"", "chartRenderer":null, "dataSourceXid":"DS_691328", "defaultCacheSize":1, "discardExtremeValues":false, "discardHighLimit":0.0, "discardLowLimit":0.0, "enabled":true, "intervalLoggingPeriod":15, "name":"PCC1.AR01.A0_ssys_ddmmyy00", "purgePeriod":1, "textRenderer":{ "type":"PLAIN", "suffix":"" }, "tolerance":0.0 } ] }
I get 'Unknown value type' so it find the Tag (would get a 'Unknow Tag' overwise) but can't do anything with the answer.
I was able to import this point, but of course, it says that it was unable to add the point because i don't have it. If you know you have that point on your server, i think someone from ScadaBR will need to comment. They're the experts on it.
Any doubt about OPC Configuration please take a look: Configuration ScadaBR.pdf
The configurations about OPC DataSource refers only to the server, in other words, all the settings must be about where OPC Server is located.
A important note: The computer where is the Server must contain a domain.
@rbautomacao said:
A important note: The computer where is the Server must contain a domain.
Yes, I got mine working with a computer which is part of a domain. But same notice as "Patriator" has: Settable values shows "false" even if I know that OPC Server tag is writable one.
Maybe have to just wait some improvements from ScadaBR, "mlohbihler"?
Hi again,
ScadaBR team made some improvements about OPC Client and i believe that
within a maximum a week they are passed for Mango. -
rbautomacao has updated the opc-driver.jar
it can be found here: try this new version and let us know if the fixes are ok.
thanks! :)
ScadaBR -
Just tried this new jar.
write allowed points are now listed as settable.I still get some points missing ( string) but not with all the opc servers.
@victor-br said:
please try this new version and let us know if the fixes are ok.
Yes, now it's works!
I did not made any further checking but anyway direction is right!
Hopefully development does not end and soon we will see also settable polling periods for individual points etc. OPC Client things...
how can i use this opc da datasource to connect to a beijersopc server?
there are no provisions to set username or password..
also, i'll be installing everything on xp home (so no domain) :-/
be great to see this working
... just an update... been playing around and can now connect to the opc server.... but its only showing tags in the default container 'SystemVariables' and not my tags present in my group containers...??