How to report bugs?
I found some bugs in mango and I am tired to send them to Matthew - I think the bugs reports would mess up this forum..
I would like to see some bugtracking system like bugzilla, where one can track the live of the beast.
Any idea to handle this?
It would be handy to have the project source hosted on a website like or so if anyone is working on new features they could have their branches available to everyone. I'm using bazaar so I'm partial to launchpad but both provide issue trackers and branching.
What's wrong with sending bug reports to matt? He's always got the fix if you have a valid bug.
Nothing is wrong with sending bug to matt - I agree fully He is doing a fine job 8).
But sometimes it may be useful to know when a bug is fixed to go ahead.
Shucks. Thanks guys.
The original Mango project can still be found at They have a defect tracking tool there, but it looks very basic.
Or, the project could be moved to sourceforge where modbus4j and bacnet4j live too. Their tools are a bit more sophisticated.
Or there are Craig's suggestions. Any preferences?
I have some projects hosted on sf - it is OK for me (they seem to offer git as well)
But I have no problems with others ....Arne