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How we can filter the json and dynamically pass the data to create multiline chart in mango automation
Hey Mate Can you please explain me with small snippet of code / any example please.
Values are not my concern as values are getting passed properly and even the graph is getting created.As I filtered the data like this
{{myIAQTemp=(designer.points | filter:{name:'Temperature'}:true | maFilterByTags:{'Sensor Type': 'shioiaq2'}:true | limitTo:2);""}}
its giving me the output of graph accurate as I want..."Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!"
But this error is ruining my keeps on coming on page load after implementing that filter.
Ok first up. Show all of your markup in code tags. First it appeared you were trying to derive values from what you had stored in datapoints. I see you were confused and actually meant its JSON store data for a watchlist.
Use ma point query and build a RQL query using the watchlist builder. This way you can pull only what you want.<ma-point-query query="'and(eq(name,Temperature),eq(tags.Sensor Type,shioiaq2))&limit(2)'" points="tmpPts"> </ma-point-query> <div ng-repeat="pt in tmpPts"> <ma-point-values .... > <ma-serial-chart .... > </div>
Once you markup is visible we can get rid of your digest error.
@mattfox said in How we can filter the json and dynamically pass the data to create multiline chart in mango automation:
Thanks alot mate.
It worked for me..Highly appreciated.
Thanks Alot. -
Anytime, well done and good luck. Always here if needed.
Yes I would require your help on one more topic..I am passing the params from dashboard-designer
?toilet=TSTE-H2&dp=Temperature&dp=State&type=shioiaq2and i want to dynamicaally fetch URL data in to one of html in
ma-state-params -
@himanshu said in How we can filter the json and dynamically pass the data to create multiline chart in mango automation:
I suggest you change dp to dp1 and dp2. By using dp twice you overwrite the parameter.
Secondly, have you read this help doc?
Only out with my phone at the moment so I dont have an active mango instance handy! Only whats in my head...
That doc explains how to attach params to components in the dashboard.Fox
Thanks Mate..
But the url is coming from different page.
Like <a ng-href=""and now on testpage.html
i am using <ma-state-params> where i want data to get placed on basis of URL. -
As I said, read the help docs, create a watchlist with query as the type and add your parameters in there. Leverage them with the stateparams and apply them to the watchlist lookup
Hey Mate,
as per you above example I am doing the same thing but my problem is...
I want to access those params in one of my controller/component file.<a ng-href="">
This link would redirect me to my component called testpage.html in that file i am unable to access the params .
I want to access my params in my components HTML file as well as controller file. -
What's your controller?
Paste all code here. May as well look at what you are doing.
Are you extending with the userModule? -
Yes we are extending the userModule.
I just want to "get" the param in html / controller file . -
Sorry am a little overrun, however, this is their dashboard repo. should shed some light on how their stateparams work
Just had a thought, thinking about something I did recently... I didnt care much for params since I had my own components doing the heavy lifting.. So I used the $state provider and pulled in the url, split by / then use what was on the end. Why dont you do the same with the ? and the &? Then split each result by = for your key value pairs and run as needed. Just one of those shower thoughts haha.
EDIT: Nope sorry, completely ballsed that one up. If you want your params, add to the menu item:
Do not add = in your menu link. Just do that and your stateparams will be available.
ie: your menu link will be./mycomponentpage?thisDevice&thatvalue&anotherkey
Your $state.params will be
{ thisDevice: '', thatvalue:'', anotherkey:'' }
@himanshu Does this help page answer your question ?
No this in not useful in my scenario as I have urn passing to one of my component and I want to use those URL parameters in component.This example only works when we created two pages from dashboard designer and then linking to each another.
But not working with page to component parsing. -
Refer to your other post, I left an update there should that help you
It is the exact same concept.:
<ma-state-params on-change="designer.parameters.dn = $stateParams.dn" update-params="designer.updateParams"></ma-state-params>
this component takes the URL parameters and puts them into a object called designer.updateParams. That object can be used anywhere now in the pages scope.