SQL DB data source connection issues
I have some trouble with the SQL data source due the DB connection:
For example, if a configure first the SQL data source and the DB is not up, when I import a DB json configuration or I save the data source manually it takes so much time ( > 100 sec) . I try with MSSQL database type.
My question : I want to know if there is an issue of all DB connection or only MSSQL?An other issue: if you restart mango and you dont have connection with the data base each data source took so much time to start , 100 to 300 seconds per data source in the initi proccess. Is this normal?
I don´t know if I´m doing something bad or threre is a way to avoid this behaivour.
Some help or advice are welcome.
Thanks! -
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OK, I generate an easy generic topic for the problem....