Creating a chart with dynamic number of series
I am trying to create a chart with a dynamic (1+) number of series. For example, I may have up to 3 temperature values that I want to chart but if 1-2 of them do not exist, I don't want their series to appear on the chart. I don't want to create multiple charts for each variation as this would be headache to update in the future.
- I found another post regarding hiding a series but it only seemed to hide the chart line. The legend and axis values were still displayed.
- I thought maybe if I set the series values parameter to null it might be ignored. That didn't work.
- I tried making a component but discovered that having a dynamic template didn't seem possible. Maybe this is but I haven't figured it out yet.
- The closest I came to success was when I created a directive. However, the chart was not displayed but the legend and download button were.
userModule.directive('scaRampChart', ['$compile', function ($compile) { var ctrl = this; var getChart = function(attrs) { console.log('attrs = '+JSON.stringify(attrs)); return '<ma-serial-chart style="height: 300px; width: 100%"' + 'series-1-values="'+attrs.pcuRamp+'"' + 'series-1-title="Transmitter Ramp"' + 'series-1-color="#256eff"' + 'series-2-values="vPcuActive"' + 'series-2-title="Transmitter Connected"' + 'series-2-color="#256eff"' + 'series-2-axis="right"' + 'series-2-type="step"' + 'series-2-graph-options = "{\'dashLength\': 5, \'fillAlphas\': 0.1}"' + 'legend="true"' + 'balloon="true"' + 'export="true"' + 'default-type="line"' + 'default-graph-options="{title: \'Comparison\'}"' + 'options="{' + ' synchronizeGrid: false,' + ' valueAxes:[' + ' {minimum: \'0\', maximum: \'4500\'},' + ' {title: \'Connected\', titleColor: \'#ff4d4d\', minimum: 0, maximum: 1, integersOnly: true, baseValue: 2},' + ' {title: \'°C\', titleColor: \'#ff4d4d\', minimum: -50, maximum: 50}' + ' ]' + '}">' + '</ma-serial-chart>'; } var linker = function($scope, $element, $attrs){ // console.log('in linker...'); $element.html(getChart($attrs)).show(); $compile($element.contents())($scope); }; return { restrict: "E", replace: true, link: linker, scope: { content:'=', pcuRamp: '<?' } }; }]);
Is there something else that I should consider? Is the directive something I should continue to work on?
Can the series be specified using a JSON string instead of the component parameters?
Ian -
I did something similar, the easiest way I did it was hard coding three graph series and wrapping it with an
or 2 or 4 in the html template file.
You know for a fact you're working with only up to three series, so it shouldn't be overkill.
Store all necessary settings in your JSON then go forth. I think you're making it more complex than required.Alternatively,
Map everything into controller variables then link them into the chart instance:<ma-serial-chart points="$ctrl.points" values="$ctrl.values" legend="true" export="true" graph-options="$ctrl.graphOptions" options="$ctrl.serialChartOptions"> </ma-serial-chart> <ma-point-values points="$ctrl.points" values="$ctrl.values" from="$ctrl.dateBar.from" to="$" rollup="{{$ctrl.rollupType}}" rollup-interval="{{$ctrl.rollupInterval}} {{$ctrl.rollupIntervalPeriod}}" ></ma-point-values>