Migrating a custom page to a component
I am trying to migrate the custom pages I have created in the application to components to facilitate source control and versioning but I am having an issue with passing url parameters. I believe I have created and registered the component as per the examples but I am not receiving the parameter as expected.
Custom page:
menu entry:
{ "name": "ui.groupSummary", "url": "/group-summary?groupName", "linkToPage": true, "permission": "user", "menuText": "Group Summary", "pageXid": "c137266c-ee8c-4d37-b93c-3f7de63d8d38", "menuIcon": "insert_chart", "menuHidden": true, "weight": 1006 },
page call (from button):
<md-button ui-state="'ui.groupSummary'" ui-state-params="{groupName: 'Group_01'}">Group 01</md-button>
page markup:
<ma-ui-state-params stateParams = $pageParams></ma-ui-state-params> stateParams.groupName = {{stateParams.groupName}}
page display:
Component page:
menu entry (taken from userModule.js):
maUiMenuProvider.registerMenuItems([ { name: 'ui.groupView', url: '/group-view?groupName', // linkToPage: true, // permission: "user", template: '<sca-group-view></sca-group-view>', menuIcon: 'fa-home', menuText: 'Group View', menuHidden: true, weight: 997, params: { noPadding: false, hideFooter: false, }, }, ]);
page call (from button):
<md-button ui-state="'ui.groupView'" ui-state-params="{groupName: 'Group_01'}">Test</md-button>
page display (same markup as custom page):
How do I pass url parameters to a page component?
I didn't find any examples that had parameter passing so I figured the menu configuration would be the same between the JSON entry and the menu registration.
Likely there is something simple I am missing. :)
Aside: I would have thought the JSON entry and menu registration syntax would have been the same. However, using the linkToPage and permission parameters in the registration string throws errors.
Ian -
Is your component using the uiStateProvider/$stateParams service inside the controller? I'll wager if you add that you'll be able to both visualise and debug the passed ui.StateParam variables.
How do I pass url parameters to a page component?
From what I've seen from looking at the watchlist code source:
{ name: 'ui.watchList', url: '/watch-list/{watchListXid}?dataSourceXid&deviceName&hierarchyFolderId&tags', template: '<ma-ui-watch-list-page flex="noshrink" layout="column"></ma-ui-watch-list-page>', menuTr: 'ui.app.watchList', menuIcon: 'remove_red_eye', params: { dateBar: { rollupControls: true }, helpPage: 'ui.help.watchList' }, resolve: { loadMyDirectives: ['$injector', function($injector) { return import(/* webpackMode: "lazy", webpackChunkName: "ui.main" */ './directives/watchList/watchListPage').then(watchListPage => { angular.module('maUiWatchListState', []) .directive('maUiWatchListPage', watchListPage.default); $injector.loadNewModules(['maUiWatchListState']); }); }] } },
you can see the state param as part of the URL, have a read of Jared's source code. It provides a damn good overview of how to tackle things.
Good luck!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I had to inject $stateParams (and maUser) into the controller to have access to that data,
scaGroupViewController.$inject = ['$stateParams', 'maUser']; function scaGroupViewController($stateParams, User) { var ctrl = this; this.stateParams = $stateParams; this.User = User;
Then I had to update my page to use the value from the controller. Retrieving parameters using ma-ui-state-params was no longer necessary.
<!-- <ma-ui-state-params stateParams = $pageParams></ma-ui-state-params> --> <ma-point-query query="{$and: true, deviceName: $ctrl.stateParams.groupName, name: 'Group'}" sort="'name'" points="psGroup"></ma-point-query> <div ng-init="super = $ctrl.User.current.hasPermission('superadmin')"></div>
I picked through some of the Mango component code in Github and found a few that used this pattern which helped. Which services and such I can/need to inject is still a challenge for me to figure out but your suggestion and the code helped.
Ian -
My pleasure, glad to see you were able to figure it out!