Create an Email Template for Event Handler
Hi all,
I'm trying to create a nice email template for event handler, but I really don't know hot to use it.
I need to add additional context to an binary data point trigger, showing last data of two additional data point.
Looking the documentation, I found this:
butwhen I try to replicate to my template isn't working.
Could someone help me this this? Thanks!!
Hi Matias,
isn't working
Should always be accompanied by a description of the failure.
Even though... that image has some issues, and I see you got it from the page about custom email handlers. I will put something better there, since that image is riddled with problems.
For now, try,
<@subject>Hey - Stuff is happening with the automation system and I think you should know</@subject> <#if renderedHtmlPointValues??> <#list renderedHtmlPointValues as renderedPvt> ${additionalContext.temperature.deviceName} - ${} - ${renderedPvt.value} - ${renderedPvt.time}<br/> </#list> </#if>
And be sure to add a point into the context with the key 'temperature'
Also it should be noted the renderedHtmlPointValues and renderedPointValues items are only added to the model if it's a point event and the point that generated the event is running.
You could add recent values into the model yourself in the script by doing something like,
model.put("temperatureValues", temperature.last(10));
And then using the <#list> to iterate over that, instead.
Thanks for your help Philip !
Putting "additionalContext" to variables works! But I have some doubts about :
model.put("temperatureValues", temperature.last(10));
If I use this code in the script windows, I have to call the "temperatureValues" variable into the code, like:
Works in that way? And I need to put this variable inside the
<#list renderedHtmlPointValues as renderedPvt>
or isn't necessary?Thanks in advance!
You would loop over it, like,
<#list temperatureValues as pvt> <#-- do stuff with pvt, pvt.value, pvt.time --> </#list>
It's a List<PointValueTime> similar to renderedHtmlPointValues. It wouldn't have the rendering done to it, though.
Nice!! It worked pretty well. Thanks!
One more question.
How can I work with the results?
For example, when I use pvt.time, I get the timestamp only, and I need to show date and time format.
You may find this StackOverflow thread interesting:
${pvt.time?number_to_datetime?string("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}
Didn't test again just now, but the number_to_date, number_to_time, number_to_datetime functions are what you're looking for.
Thanks !! That did the trick...