Help with backup restore
I just put a clean copy of 3.4.4 on our cloud server. I want to restore a database from backup so I selected a recent H2 backup and it said it was restored so how does the NOSQL and the configuration get restored as well?
Hi Phillip,
The configuration backup is just a full JSON export, and is inferior to the SQL backup (which includes IDs for things). If you've done an SQL restore, you do not need to do a configuration restore (which really amounts to a JSON import).
To restore the NoSQL data, you can use the restore tab on the /mango_no_sql.shtm page. That tab is suitable to restore incremental or complete backup .zip files like you would find in the Mango/backup directory. If you're restoring the NoSQL data from the old Mango/databases/mangoTSDB directory (perhaps now at a different location), you can use the Merge tab if you've restored an SQL backup (so the point IDs are the same as the original instance), or you can do a 'Mergration' on the Mergration tab, which will require the old SQL database to be available to match IDs by XIDs.
If you have the whole Mango/databases directory (assuming you're on the H2 database) from the original machine, it is sufficient to restore your configuration and data to simply copy that directory into the new Mango instance. You would still have to restore any overrides, properties files, excel templates, data file data source templates, report FTL files, other custom FTL files, etc. to fully restore a Mango installation. We do not currently provide means to back these files up through Mango.
Am I wrong in assuming that the NoSQL backup also backups the configuration (normally SQL backup as well)?
I have a vague recollection that I've been able to restore mango purely though the NoSQL backup, which appeared to include everything.
That does sound mistaken to me. If you investigate a NoSQL backup, you will find nothing more than a zipped set or subset of the files and directories in Mango/databases/mangoTSDB (or another location if you have changed the default). It is not sufficient to recreate an instance, and will not create any data points in doing the NoSQL restore.
Thanks Phil; restore worked out fine after.
Ah I see. I do wish there was a "Complete Backup" feature so it would simplify disaster recovery. Maybe someday in the future!
Thanks Phil.