Please Note This forum exists for community support for the Mango product family and the Radix IoT Platform. Although Radix IoT employees participate in this forum from time to time, there is no guarantee of a response to anything posted here, nor can Radix IoT, LLC guarantee the accuracy of any information expressed or conveyed. Specific project questions from customers with active support contracts are asked to send requests to
localhost refused to connect after update
I was working on updating Mango 2.7 to a later version. After going to the modules section and processing the update I am no longer able to connect to the localhost. I've attempted to run the restart through the command line and I see that the bin file's haven't changed from version 2.7. i'm not too sure how to proceed. My main concern is having lost the configuration that we already had.
What does Process ID: 5356 mean?
Where can I find/load main class com.serotonin.m2m2.Main?
I did a power cycle of the computer and ran restart and start.
Hi gquiroz,
Your configuration is probably not lost. It should be in the backups in the Mango/backup directory at minimum.
It is odd that it would say it cannot load the main class. That would imply to me that there may not be a ma-priv.jar in your Mango/lib/ directory. I would redownload the appropriate core that you're upgrading to from and place that file in your Mango/ directory with the name where x.y.z is the version number, then attempt to start Mango from the Mango/bin directory with
./ start
and share any errors that occur. -
Hi Phil,
I see that there is a ma-priv file in the mango lib directory.
I went ahead and did redownloaded the appropriate core that we're upgrading to and placed it in the Mango directory. Here are the errors i got:
andI've stopped mango prior to doing the the updates and restarting the program but I see that that the java run time exception in the address is already in use and that the Mango lifecycle terminates.
You definitely didn't get both of those exceptions without doing something else in between them. The fact that you get a bind exception makes me think Mango may be running. Check the web.port in the Mango/overrides/properties/ or Mango/classes/ and try connecting to that port in a browser. If Mango is not running and that port is owned by something else, change Mango's port.
Hi Phil,
The two errors were from two different attempts. The first was placing the new zip file in the Mango directory and the second was tail -f for the log when ruining a stop/start.
As you mentioned, I look into the ports and it seems like this may be the issue since mysqld.exe is listening on port 8080 and mango is also on 8080. I will change the ports as recommended. Thank you.