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Once again MQTT over HTTP
This is something we definitely want to do. Our developers are tied up with projects right now so unfortunately we just don't have the capacity. If anyone else wants to contribute to this we be happy to support it getting done.
What functionality exactly do you require? A MQTT client that subscribes to a topic and logs the data to data points or a full MQTT broker? Perhaps also a MQTT client which publishes data from other sources to a MQTT topic? I can see Mango performing all 3 MQTT roles (publish/subscribe/broker). -
Hi Jared, must useful would be a MQTT broker module like Mosquitto. Much like the Modbus TCP and Bacnet modules.
Hi Balistar,
MQTT is a generic protocol, so can you be a little more specific about what device/libs/programmes do (plan) to use?
Hi Arne,
The way I would approach it is for Mango to connect to a MQTT broker (in Mango = Data Source) as a client, and create values from the "subscribed topic (Data Point) messages" and to "publish topic (Data Point) messages" from values created by Mango, e.g. set value .
Mosquitto is a solid MQTT broker, but there are others.
@Balistar Does Mango already support MQTT (as MQTT subscriber/publisher) ?
Because i see on the Mango 3.0 preview, it is said support MQTT. -
Mango 3.0 has a MQTT Data Source to subscribe to topics. We are planning a publisher as well. You can download a demo of this on the Mango download page:
Hi all,
there is some news about MQTT publisher? -
Possible toward any documents on how to use Mango with mqtt?
@joelhaggar Can you please forward me the link for the mqtt demo, the supplied link is not working.
Christoff -
Here is the new download location:
@joelhaggar THanks
Hi all,
I'm also interested in the MQTT publisher.
Is there a planned release date or any updates?Thanks :)
Just going to be difficult and bump this again. MQTT is popular for IoT stuff and I have got systems operating in the cloud which would be good to tie it to.
Has there been any further developments on a MQTT Publisher? The intended purpose would be to publish to Azure or AWS.
No, I wrote myself a relay and used Mango's http publisher to send the data out.
Much quicker.Fox
@mattfox do you mind sharing?
Not a great deal to share really! I used nodeJS and the aws publishing library to send to a third party. Once set up, you just run the nodeJS with the express library or another restful style service then use the body of the request to be published out of subscribed mqqt topic.
Sorry if it's a bit vague! If you want a how to I'll write a tutorial next week when I'm back at my work computer. Hope it doesn't step on Joel's toes..
@mattfox That would be great!
@MattFox Well done!