How to draw a gauge for only one data point.
You helped me to draw a chart for only one data point, setting the "point-xid" in the "<ma-point-values>", but this doesn't work for the gauges.
I set the point-xid in the "<ma-get-point-value>" of my gauge but my gauge is always in the zero position.
How can I configure my gauge to show the value of one specific data point using the point-xid?
Here is my code:<ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_demo_adevice_temp" value="value1"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-gauge-chart value="value1" start="-10" band-1-end="10" band-1-color="blue" band-2-end="30" band-2-color="yellow" band-3-end="40" style="width:100%; height:200px"></ma-gauge-chart>
Hi jefero,
Have you looked at the guage examples in the Custom Dashboard module? It would be in Custom Dashboards --> Examples menu --> Single value displays --> Guages
Specifically you need to us the 'point' attribute instead of 'value' so,
<ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_demo_adevice_temp" point="value1"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-gauge-chart point="value1" start="-10" band-1-end="10" band-1-color="blue" band-2-end="30" band-2-color="yellow" band-3-end="40" style="width:100%; height:200px"></ma-gauge-chart>
Thanks phildunlap.
That solved my problem.