Filtering the Menu list for the Angular JS, Graphs
Yes, please see the "Point list" example under "Basics". I'd recommend setting the "Device name" for each point to your building name, or implementing a specific point naming strategy that incorporates the building/area name.
<div layout="column">
<md-input-container class="md-block no-errors-spacer">
<label>Choose a point</label>
<ma-point-list ng-model="myPoint" query="deviceName(032 GAS East)"></ma-point-list>
</md-input-container><p>You have chosen point "{{}}". It is {{myPoint.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}} and belongs to device {{myPoint.deviceName}}</p>
I'm going to take it that you are asking why that markup isn't working?
Pay close attention to the syntax of the query attribute, it should be
query="{deviceName:'032 GAS East'}"
Thanks Jared. Worked like a charm
I'm loving this btw!!!
what if I wanted to make a variable reference to the query. That way, I could add in the top of my document a variable, that would then fill in the deviceName
It would be pretty similar to the example only set to query on deviceName:
<md-input-container> <label>Set Variable for Device Name</label> <input ng-model="deviceNameVariable" ng-model-options="{debounce:500}"> </md-input-container> <md-input-container> <label>Filtered point list</label> <ma-point-list limit="200" ng-model="myPoint2" query="{deviceName:deviceNameVariable}"></ma-point-list> </md-input-container>
In angular you can use ng-model or ng-init to declare scope variables without the var keyword.
With ng-init (you can move ng-init to a div at the top of the document)
<md-input-container ng-init="deviceNameVariable='meta'"> <label>Filtered point list</label> <ma-point-list limit="200" ng-model="myPoint2" query="{deviceName:deviceNameVariable}"></ma-point-list> </md-input-container>
Thanks Jared. What If i wanted to filter y the datasource name instead of deviceName?
would it be {datasource: "UofU Stadium East'}
@atkins.chrisw said in Filtering the Menu list for the Angular JS, Graphs:
Thanks Jared. What If i wanted to filter y the datasource name instead of deviceName?
would it be {datasource: "UofU Stadium East'}
It will be
{dataSourceName: 'UofU Stadium East'}
Perfect. Worked great
Also... What if I wanted to filter it between two different datasources with specific deviceNames?