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System Time
I need to display the time in DGLux, however the system time is e.g. Tue Nov 17 HH:MM:SS WAST 2015 - how can I change this format to be Tuesday 17 November 2015 HH:MM for example.
Are you trying to display user time or server time?
To display user time, you can have a script element with an output string property -->
function getDayText( num ) {
switch (num) {
case 0 :
return "Sunday";
case 1 :
return "Monday";
case 2:
return "Tuesday";
case 3:
return "Wednesday";
case 4:
return "Thursday";
case 5:
return "Friday";
case 6:
return "Saturday";
}function getMonthText( num ) {
switch (num) {
case 0:
return "January";
case 10:
return "November";
return "default";
}function pad( num ) {
if( num < 10 )
return "0" + num;
return num;
}var now = new Date();
var output = getDayText( now.getDay() ) + " " + now.getDate() + " " + getMonthText( now.getMonth() ) + " " + now.getHours() + ":" + pad( now.getMinutes() );I am just get reacquainted with some things, but I do not believe there is access to date formatting classes in the DGScript. They do have a date formatter widget that I believe you should be able to bind a running timestamp (a simple script where output=now.toLocaleString(); ) to the date time formatter widget.
I'm struggling to get this to work....
Error: Unexpected end of file - just trying to get the week day to work for now. -
That could have been a missing curly brace in the second switch. I found myself thinking the way I suggested wasn't the DGLux way as I was falling asleep last night. I think you may find it easier to have a script triggered by a timer (bind the count to a property of the script, make the script execute on change), sets output = new Date(). Next double click that string property and bind it to the input for a date formatter widget, and you can use normal format strings to get it how you'd like. I think that pattern is:
EEEE D MMMM YYYY at H:NN ==== for 24 hour time
EEEE D MMMM YYYY at L:NN A ==== for AM/PM 12 hour timeI will also go and edit my script to make it easier to get working.
You can find more information on format strings at
Here is my solution maybe not the neatest script but it works
var date = new Date();
minutes = date.getMinutes();
seconds = date.getSeconds();
hour = date.getHours();
year = date.getFullYear();
day = date.getDay();
month = date.getMonth();
dates = date.getDate();if (minutes < 10)
min = "0" + minutes;
min = minutes;
}if (day == 0)
strday = "Sunday";
if (day == 1)
strday = "Monday";
if (day == 2)
strday = "Tuesday";
if (day == 3)
strday = "Wednesday";
if (day == 4)
strday = "Thursday";
if (day == 5)
strday = "Friday";
if (day == 6)
strday = "Saturday";
}if (month == 0)
strmonth = "January";
if (month == 1)
strmonth = "February";
if (month == 2)
strmonth = "March";
if (month == 3)
strmonth = "April";
if (month == 4)
strmonth = "May";
if (month == 5)
strmonth = "June";
if (month == 6)
strmonth = "July";
if (month == 7)
strmonth = "August";
if (month == 8)
strmonth = "September";
if (month == 9)
strmonth = "October";
if (month == 10)
strmonth = "November";
if (month == 11)
strmonth = "December";
}strDated = strday + "," + " " + dates + " " + strmonth + " " + year;
strTimes = hour + ":" + min;