DiscoveryTest running in another machine detects the LoopDevice
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Posts made by Vinay
RE: How to use as a BACnet client
RE: How to use as a BACnet client
Sorry, I had tried this too.
Is there anything else I can try?
Thanks -
RE: How to use as a BACnet client
- ============================================================================
- GNU Lesser General Public License
- ============================================================================
- Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Serotonin Software Technologies Inc.
- @author Matthew Lohbihler
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.serotonin.bacnet4j.test;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.LocalDevice;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.RemoteDevice;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.RemoteObject;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.event.DeviceEventListener;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.exception.BACnetServiceException;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.obj.BACnetObject;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.Encodable;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.constructed.Choice;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.constructed.PropertyValue;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.constructed.SequenceOf;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.constructed.TimeStamp;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.BinaryPV;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.EngineeringUnits;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.EventState;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.EventType;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.MessagePriority;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.NotifyType;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.ObjectType;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.enumerated.PropertyIdentifier;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.notificationParameters.NotificationParameters;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.primitive.Boolean;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.primitive.CharacterString;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.primitive.ObjectIdentifier;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.primitive.Real;
import com.serotonin.bacnet4j.type.primitive.UnsignedInteger;
software only device default local loop ;-)
@author mlohbihler
@author aploese
public class LoopDevice implements Runnable {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
LoopDevice ld = new LoopDevice("", LocalDevice.DEFAULT_PORT + 1);
//LoopDevice ld = new LoopDevice("", LocalDevice.DEFAULT_PORT );
Thread.sleep(12000000); // wait 2 min
private boolean terminate;
private LocalDevice localDevice;
private BACnetObject ai0;
private BACnetObject ai1;
private BACnetObject bi0;
private BACnetObject bi1;
private BACnetObject mso0;
private BACnetObject ao0;public LoopDevice(String broadcastAddress, int port) throws BACnetServiceException, IOException {
localDevice = new LocalDevice(1968, broadcastAddress);
localDevice.getEventHandler().addListener(new DeviceEventListener() {public void listenerException(Throwable e) { System.out.println("loopDevice listenerException"); } public void iAmReceived(RemoteDevice d) { System.out.println("loopDevice iAmReceived"); } public boolean allowPropertyWrite(BACnetObject obj, PropertyValue pv) { System.out.println("loopDevice allowPropertyWrite"); return true; } public void propertyWritten(BACnetObject obj, PropertyValue pv) { System.out.println("loopDevice propertyWritten"); } public void iHaveReceived(RemoteDevice d, RemoteObject o) { System.out.println("loopDevice iHaveReceived"); } public void covNotificationReceived(UnsignedInteger subscriberProcessIdentifier, RemoteDevice initiatingDevice, ObjectIdentifier monitoredObjectIdentifier, UnsignedInteger timeRemaining, SequenceOf<PropertyValue> listOfValues) { System.out.println("loopDevice covNotificationReceived"); } public void eventNotificationReceived(UnsignedInteger processIdentifier, RemoteDevice initiatingDevice, ObjectIdentifier eventObjectIdentifier, TimeStamp timeStamp, UnsignedInteger notificationClass, UnsignedInteger priority, EventType eventType, CharacterString messageText, NotifyType notifyType, Boolean ackRequired, EventState fromState, EventState toState, NotificationParameters eventValues) { System.out.println("loopDevice eventNotificationReceived"); } public void textMessageReceived(RemoteDevice textMessageSourceDevice, Choice messageClass, MessagePriority messagePriority, CharacterString message) { System.out.println("loopDevice textMessageReceived"); } public void privateTransferReceived(UnsignedInteger vendorId, UnsignedInteger serviceNumber, Encodable serviceParameters) { System.out.println("loopDevice privateTransferReceived"); } }); // Set up a few objects. ai0 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.analogInput)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.units, EngineeringUnits.centimeters); localDevice.addObject(getAi0()); ai1 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.analogInput)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.units, EngineeringUnits.percentObscurationPerFoot); localDevice.addObject(getAi1()); bi0 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.binaryInput)); localDevice.addObject(getBi0()); bi0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("Off and on")); bi0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.inactiveText, new CharacterString("Off")); bi0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.activeText, new CharacterString("On")); bi1 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.binaryInput)); localDevice.addObject(getBi1()); bi1.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("Good and bad")); bi1.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.inactiveText, new CharacterString("Bad")); bi1.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.activeText, new CharacterString("Good")); mso0 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.multiStateOutput)); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("Vegetable")); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.numberOfStates, new UnsignedInteger(4)); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.stateText, 1, new CharacterString("Tomato")); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.stateText, 2, new CharacterString("Potato")); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.stateText, 3, new CharacterString("Onion")); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.stateText, 4, new CharacterString("Broccoli")); mso0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, new UnsignedInteger(1)); localDevice.addObject(getMso0()); ao0 = new BACnetObject( localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.analogOutput)); ao0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("Settable analog")); localDevice.addObject(getAo0()); // Start the local device. localDevice.initialize(); new Thread(this).start();
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("LoopDevice start changing values" + this);// Let it go... float ai0value = 0; float ai1value = 0; boolean bi0value = false; boolean bi1value = false; getMso0().setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, new UnsignedInteger(2)); while (!isTerminate()) { //while (true) { System.out.println("Change values of LoopDevice " + this); // Change the values. ai0value += 0.1; ai1value += 0.7; bi0value = !bi0value; bi1value = !bi1value; // Update the values in the objects. ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, new Real(ai0value)); ai1.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, new Real(ai1value)); bi0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, bi0value ? : BinaryPV.inactive); bi1.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.presentValue, bi1value ? : BinaryPV.inactive);
System.out.println("end of while");
synchronized (this) {
System.out.print("start wait");
wait(1000); // 1 second or notified (faster exit then stupid wait for 1 second)
System.out.println("end wait");
System.out.println("out of wait");
System.out.println("Close LoopDevive " + this);
} catch (Exception ex) {
localDevice = null;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (localDevice != null) {
localDevice = null;
- @return the terminate
public boolean isTerminate() {
return terminate;
- @param terminate the terminate to set
public void doTerminate() {
this.terminate = true;
synchronized (this) {
this.notifyAll(); // we may wait for this in run() ...
- @return the broadcastAddress
public String getBroadcastAddress() {
return localDevice.getBroadcastAddress();
- @return the port
public int getPort() {
return localDevice.getPort();
- @return the localDevice
public LocalDevice getLocalDevice() {
return localDevice;
- @return the ai0
public BACnetObject getAi0() {
return ai0;
- @return the ai1
public BACnetObject getAi1() {
return ai1;
- @return the bi0
public BACnetObject getBi0() {
return bi0;
- @return the bi1
public BACnetObject getBi1() {
return bi1;
- @return the mso0
public BACnetObject getMso0() {
return mso0;
- @return the ao0
public BACnetObject getAo0() {
return ao0;
- @return the terminate
RE: How to use as a BACnet client
Sorry may be I didn’t make it clear.
- Please check the below details.
- No. I am using NAE to detect objects. So I want NAE to detect ‘Loop device’. This is the right approach?
- Encoding type as from NAE is ANSI X3.4(US-ASCII)
No, what I am trying to do is opposite of what you have stated. NAE device is trying to detect the BACnet objects on the network.
Before BACnet4J I tried the ‘BACnet Server Simulator’ from SCADA Engine ( and NAE detects that.
Now I am trying to replace it with ‘Loop Device’ but NAE is not detecting it.
Please help. -
How to use as a BACnet client
I am very new to BACnet.
I need to pass a string through BACnet to NAE ( Johnson Controls) which detects the BACnet objects available in the network.
I am using the ‘Loop Device’ for the same, running on the default port. Also encoding type in NAE is set to ANSI.
But ‘Loop device’ is not being detected.
Please help. -
RE: How to use as a BACnet client
I am very new to BACnet.
I need to pass a string through BACnet to NAE ( Johnson Controls) which detects the BACnet objects available in the network.
I am using the ‘Loop Device’ for the same, running on the default port. Also encoding type in NAE is set to ANSI.
But ‘Loop device’ is not being detected.
Please help.