I have been able to see devices on my local network. However when I try and access something outside my local network, nothing is being discovered.
String ip = "";//obviously changed.
LocalDevice localDevice = new LocalDevice(1234, ip);
//LocalDevice localDevice = new LocalDevice(1234, "");
//localDevice.getEventHandler().addListener(new Listener());
// Who is
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(ip), 47808);
localDevice.sendUnconfirmed(addr, null, new WhoIsRequest());
//localDevice.sendBroadcast(2068, null, new WhoIsRequest());
// localDevice.sendUnconfirmed(new Address(new UnsignedInteger(47808), new OctetString(new byte[] { (byte) 96,
// (byte) 51, (byte) 24, (byte) 1 })), null, new WhoIsRequest());
// RemoteDevice rd = new RemoteDevice(105, new Address(new UnsignedInteger(47808),
// new OctetString(new byte[] {(byte)206, (byte)210, 100, (byte)134})), null);
// rd.setSegmentationSupported(Segmentation.segmentedBoth);
// rd.setMaxAPDULengthAccepted(1476);
// localDevice.addRemoteDevice(rd);
System.out.println("Found a remote device");
System.out.println("Didn't find a remote device");
I am using DiscoveryTest.java. I think I've uncommented the lines that are useful to this. Any help would be great. I can see the device with other software so I know the device exists, and that there are devices at that ip address.