I want to thank you for your help, but I am still not there. I am sure for you a lot of this is just second nature and so the steps are simple, for me not so much.
So, from within Eclipse, I can run the maven install on the Core bundle and it completes successfully...
Does that complete all builds then by inclusion or must separate builds be performed for other bundles?
Once the build(s) are done, on to the debugging. You instructions seem a bit incomplete from my perspective...
"Debug Configurations"...can get there....
"New Configuration"...can select that, brings up a new blank form...I chose to name my new configuration "Mango", figured that's creative enough.
Now, Main tab...
"Base directory:"...I am assuming you mean that to be ${workspace_loc/CoreBundle}
"Goals:"...install (?)
"Profiles:"...currently blank
"User settings:"...${workspace_loc/CoreBundle/pom.xml} (??)
Everything else defaulted???
I don't know. I really would like a bit more than just what needs to be set where but why. What do the various settings do and how do they relate to the whole of the Mango build? What changes if any are necessary on the other tabs (JRE, Refresh, Source, Environment, Common)?
Again, thanks for any help you can give me.