I have a basic question about bacnet4j I hope someone can answer...
I posted this same question last year, never got an answer and never figured it out. I am back at it again attempting to read data from bacnet devices using Java. I looked around on this forum and this same sort of question has come up many times without an answer. If someone with bacnet4j knowledge can answer this question I believe you will be helping a lot of folk now and in the future.
What I am trying to do:
I have a computer on a IP network running an application that will need to read temperature data from a bacnet devices that is behind a BAS router (BACnet Multi-Network Router by Contemporary Controls) which is on the same IP subnet. The computer's IP is The BAS router's IP is 10.0.051. Netmask The bacnet device ID I want to talk to is 5.
I have no idea where to start? I come from the IP world where things have IP addresses and ports. I can't seem to figure out what IP addresses and ports mean as it relates to local and remote bacnet devices. If someone could describe what a remote device and a local device is in the world of bacnet4j that would help greatly! In my scenero above the computer running the java application the local device? Is the bacnet device ID #5 the remote devices. I have looked through all of the test classes and I am still lost.
LocalDevice localDevice = new localDevice(1234, "")
What is 1234? I know it is a port, but a port on where, the local computer? If so then I assume an interface on the local computer. If so why don't the examples just bind to the localhost?
localDevice.sendBroadcast(2068,null, new WhoIsRequest());
What is 2068? How does this relate to the port 1234 above?
Thanks (with fingers crossed) Dan