I am working on this problem of letting users acknowledge Alarm events.
So in BACnet4j, where is the Alarm Ack/UnAck status stored? And how should I go about doing this Acknowledgement ?
Thanks a bunch.
I am working on this problem of letting users acknowledge Alarm events.
So in BACnet4j, where is the Alarm Ack/UnAck status stored? And how should I go about doing this Acknowledgement ?
Thanks a bunch.
I am working on this problem of letting users acknowledge Alarm events.
So in BACnet4j, where is the Alarm Ack/UnAck status stored? And how should I go about doing this Acknowledgement ?
Thanks a bunch.
@mlohbihler said:
Q2) An Analog Output is read only. You can only write to Analog Input and Analog Value (of the 3 Analog types). Same goes for Binary and Multistate. So, the write access denied error is correct.
I would like to ask if there's any reason for Analog Output to be read-only ?
Could you be more clear on your suggestion of "use the contact page to request a quote for the work" ? I would really like to support the COV analog input if possible. Can you give me pointers to where else in the source code that I need to make changes to ?
This seems to be exactly what I would like to do, to register to any event / alarm which may happen and react accordingly. Could you elaborate in more detail on how to achieve this ?