I have the task to write a simple UI layer which could be used with mobile phones.
For this, I tried to edit (=dumb down) the WEB-INF/tags/pointComponent.tag, because I thought that the pointComponent.tag is responsible for rendering the actual PointValues. As it seems, only partly: it renders some images, which then will get "overwritten" (or updated) by view.js, ViewDwr. and MiscDwr.**.
As I understand, the DWR library makes remoting possible. But I'd like to skip that: I don't want any AJAX calls to the server. Rather, I'd like to render a static page with the PointValues already in it. (Yes, continuous updating is not so necessary right now: I'd only like to see the PointValues.)
For me, the best would be if I could get hold of that DataPoint from the pointComponent.tag with some simple EL expressions, e.g. ${vc.dataPoint.lastValue}.
Not being able to solve the question above, I tried to write a simple JSP, based on ViewDwr.java. It was something like this:
ViewDao viewDao = new ViewDao();
View view = viewDao.getView(4);
List<ViewComponent> viewComponents = view.getViewComponents();
for (ViewComponent vc : viewComponents) {
DataPointVO dp = ((PointComponent)vc).tgetDataPoint();
String extName = dp.getExtendedName();
It kinda works, but it isn't a nice solution. I tried to extract this to a JavaBean, but I wasn't able to import/set up the project in Eclipse. (That might be an other post.) (So no compiling or debugging for me, yet.)
Actually, I don't even want to write my own beans and JSPs: I'd like to reuse code already written (e.g. pointComponent.tag), but I just can't. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance,