I created two pages. An overview page and a room detail page, where the structure is always the same, but the content is dynamic.
I used a tab navigation on both pages. The code of the navigation integrated on the overview page:
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height md-border-bottom md-swipe-content>
<md-tab label="Overview" ui-sref="ui.ztEzrOff02DB"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 1" ui-state="'ui.ztEzrOff02'" ui-state-params="{Raumnr:'ZT02O0010_ER002'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 2" ui-state="'ui.ztEzrOff02'" ui-state-params="{Raumnr:'ZT02O0020_ER003'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 3" ui-state="'ui.ztEzrOff02'" ui-state-params="{Raumnr:'ZT02O0030_ER003'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 7" ui-state="'ui.ztEzrOff02'" ui-state-params="{Raumnr:'ZT02O0070_ER002'}"></md-tab>
Navigation code on the detail page to retrieve the values of the individual rooms:
<md-tabs md-dynamic-height md-border-bottom md-swipe-content>
<md-tab label="Übersicht" ui-sref="ui.ztEzrOff02DB"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 1" ng-click="designer.parameters = {Raumnr: 'ZT02O0010_ER003'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 2" ng-click="designer.parameters = {Raumnr: 'ZT02O0020_ER003'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 3" ng-click="designer.parameters = {Raumnr: 'ZT02O0030_ER003'}"></md-tab>
<md-tab label="Room 7" ng-click="designer.parameters = {Raumnr: 'ZT02O0070_ER002'}"></md-tab>
I have used the following guide to navigate directly to individual rooms via the link: https://help.infiniteautomation.com/linking-to-dynamic-pages
The direct navigation from the overview page to e.g. room 7 works fine, but room 7 on the detail page is then not active (underlined) in the navigation. Is there a solution for that?
Here is a screenshot of the navigation:

Thanks for your help!