@craigweb thank you first!
I don't know if what I'm offering is what you want.
here is "dashboard code":
<ma-point-value id="e76d6d6c-45f1-440c-90f3-c446aa6c87b6" enable-popup="hide" style="position: absolute; left: 399px; top: 75px; width: 25px; height: 25px;" point-xid="DP_c6eebfd0-d128-4ea2-8bf1-77f7cf355edd"></ma-point-value>
<ma-switch id="078c0795-8eba-4cc1-9166-f62c62de3af6" style="position: absolute; left: 394px; top: 220px; width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: rgb(0, 46, 92);" point-xid="DP_da02f5a8-afc1-4ecb-ba8c-403ffe6345dd"></ma-switch>
here is dataSource-dataPoint(SET_LIGHT):
(also, I use mango-publisher to publish this. In this way I control my light)
(<ma-switch> Connect with this)
here is dataSource-dataPoint(GET_LIGHT):
My light send HTTP message to Mango.
[virtual data source] and [<ma-switch> control and show data] work well
[virtual data publisher] work well
[hard device (light)] work well
[<ma-point-value> receive HTTP msg and show value] work well
The problem is that when someone controls the light from other systems, <ma-point-value> displays normally and the <ma-switch> does not.
(Of course I know because the data is not connected. but how)
(Please let me know what else you need.)