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Home Automation One Wire
I've been playing with Dallas one wire sensors etc for sometime as they are reasonably cheap. The end plan is to control the house heating system intelligently. Currently we have a standard two zone system with a boiler.
Sitting in the dining room is a thermal store which should have been installed last year but as it arrived too late, it will have to be done this spring. I also plan to install a woodburner with back boiler and solar panels. Mango is going to have to control the lot in and start to make assumptions, ie from the weather station I have, if its forcast sunny hold back on the boiler and use the solar panel.
So far I've got 20+ sensors working with Mango just monitoring the system ( USER guest PWD guest . (Have a look but Please don't fiddle too much) it may be a bit slow I'm using and ADSL line on a Ultra Low power PC (36Watts)and its also a web server, security camera server and an email server.
Thats it for the moment, as i make changes I'll update this
Good réalisation ... With what software did you draw these images? Can you tell me more about the trend curves?
Excuse my English ...
Well you
Benjamin -
Hi Benjamin
The outside graphics I used was clip art from microsoft into Paint shop pro and saved as a .PNG file. The heating system one I used MS Visio for the pipea and Gimp to create the animated graphics. Took me ages to work out how to do it but saving in lavers created an animated .gif file.
The graphs are created by Mango, you can set them to minutes, hours, days, weeks.
Its the best software i have seen for one-wire plus it also can control other kit at the same time.
Hi Keith
Thank you for your informations. But lies or any such objects (trend graph, bar alarms, etc ...) ?
Thank you in advance ...
Well you
I think you had better check this with Mango themselves.
There is ony the graphs you see included in the package. You could use another graphing tool to wqcreate the graphs either from the internal dbase. Or when you run a report for a period it produces a CSV file which can be imported into another package (excel etc)
Hello Benjamin,
Mango does not currently use bar graphs, but other types of trend information are available in multiple ways. As Keith mentioned, there are graphs available on the point rollovers in both the watch list and in graphic views, as well as in reports. There is also a mutiple-point graph at the bottom of the watchlist. Larger, individual point graphs are also available on the point details page.
I'm not sure that this answers your question. If not, feel free to inquire more.