"Persisent" Advanced Scheduler
Hi Guys,
For a lack of a better term I have called this topic that way.
Situation: After setting a scheduler to turn some equipment on or off, a questions arises:
Say for example there's a communication fault or other situation that prevents the scheduler to act at the programmed time. When the communication is restored, if the time of action of the scheduler has passed, this equipment will not be turned on or off.
The question is: How to make the scheduler "persistent"? Meaning, how to ensure it starts or stops the controlled device?Best,
Rodrigo -
Create other checks and balances to get the feedback you need and make your script smarter.
Use those values to tell the system to run another script if the scheduler has set a value high/low and feedback hasn't been updated then use that as a means to resend the commands after the event.
Basically use another script to check the status of the advanced scheduler status and use it to act accordingly.Fox
Will try, thanks Mat.