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How to get the objects in the remote device?
I have a question about how to get all objects in the remote device? I used the WHOIS message to get the remote device but the objects attribute is always empty. I am able to read the present value of the objects (analog input) on that remote device. Could you please let me know is there anyway I can do to get the list of objects in the remote device? Thank you very much!
After you click on Whois, you get a list of remote devices. Next to each device there is a small triangle - you can click on this to see the objects (you may have to wait a few minutes) then click on each object to add the point to the datasource.
Actually I just realised that I assumed you were using BACnet4J with MangoM2M. If you are just using the BACnet4J stack then my answer will be of no help to you.
Thanks a lot! I looked at the Mango M2M code and found that I can get the list of object id by read the Propertyidentifier.objectList. It works well for me now. Thank you!
// Get the device's object list.
List<ObjectIdentifier> oids = ((SequenceOf<ObjectIdentifier>) localDevice.sendReadPropertyAllowNull(d, d
.getObjectIdentifier(), PropertyIdentifier.objectList)).getValues(); -
I'm trying to read value using bacnet4j too.Could you please tell which code do you use to do that ?
I did this locally, but not remotely.Thank you very much.
You should just send a read property to the object with the PID presentValue. Shouldn't matter whether the object is local or remote, depending on what you mean by that of course.