Dashboard - md-table-container
I have created a couple of devices (e.g. Dev1, Dev2, Dev3...) with the same data points (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3,...)
How do I create a table that shows in the following format?
Ricardo -
Do some forum searching please.
replace pt.activeEvents with pt.value
Also, this post.shows.you how to iterate through point values...
https://forum.infiniteautomation.com/topic/4843/dashboard-losing-connectivity -
Thanks Matt for the pointers. Here are my screen shot and final code below.
Now that I have the table, how can I create a device name query that can filter for devices with a point that equals a certain value? For example, how do I modify my code below to only show the device with Assigned == Yes?
<ma-device-name-query device-names="deviceNames" contains="'Tag-'"></ma-device-name-query> <md-table-container> <table md-table> <thead md-head> <tr md-row> <th md-column>Device Name</th> <th md-column>Alarm</th> <th md-column>Assigned</th> <th md-column>Location</th> <th md-column>Timestamp</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ng-repeat="device in deviceNames"> <td>{{device}}</td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Alarm'}}"></ma-point-value></td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Assigned'}}"></ma-point-value></td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Location'}}"></ma-point-value></td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Location'}}" display-type="dateTime" date-time-format="LTS"></ma-point-value></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </md-table-container>```
Nicely done, thanks for giving it a go!
Ok I suggest you try the ma-get-point-value component.<tr ng-show="assigned[device].value=='yes'" ng-repeat="device in deviceNames"> <td>{{device}}</td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Alarm'}}"></ma-point-value></td> <td><ma-get-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Assigned'}}" point="assigned[device]"></ma-point-value>{{assigned[device].value}}</td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Location'}}"></ma-point-value></td> <td><ma-point-value point-xid="{{'DP_' + device + '-Location'}}" display-type="dateTime" date-time-format="LTS"></ma-point-value></td> </tr>