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How to access active events of data point
I'm using a watchlist while getting point data.
<ma-watch-list-get on-points-change="points = $points" watch-list-xid="WL_82d8df54-77dc-4792-ac1d-e81dbfbc609d"></ma-watch-list-get> <ma-get-point-value points="points"></ma-get-point-value> {{points[0]}}
result of this code does not include activeEvents object. But when im using <ma-point-value>
,"activeEvents":[{"comments":null,"acknowledged":false,"active":true,"acknowledgedMessage":null,"returnToNormalTimestamp":0,"message":"12_12 - nokta12_12 was below 48,00","id":1142335,"eventType":{"dataSourceId":2,"dataPointId":25,"pointEventDetectorId":101,"duplicateHandling":"IGNORE","eventType":"DATA_POINT","eventSubtype":null,"referenceId2":101,"referenceId1":25,"systemMessage":false,"rateLimited":false,"publisherId":-1},"acknowledgedTimestamp":0,"acknowledgedByUserId":0,"activeTimestamp":1585143934176,"acknowledgedByUsername":null,"alarmLevel":"CRITICAL","status":""}]
i can access activeEvents object. How can i access to activeEvents without using <ma-point-value>. Because
I want to check if the point has activeEvents.. like this<div ng-if="points[0].activeEvents"> ... <div>
Nope because how the system is implemented - as seen in the API:
maPointEventManager service in module ngMangoServices Provides an EventManager factory pointing to the point-value websocket endpoint at '/rest/v1/websocket/point-value' All methods available to EventManager are available. Used by <ma-get-point-value> directive.
So the only way to get around this is to write your own controller or component to provide just the data you want...