ng-init for and date.from
Hi @Phillip-Weeks ,
One can create a new usermodule component to handle like ng-init.
userModule.component('gettime', { bindings:{ timestampIn: '@?', tsFormat: '@?', newDateo: '=?', newDates: '=?' }, controller:['$scope', function($scope){ $scope.$watch('$ctrl.timestampIn', () => { let dateobject = moment(this.timestampIn); let datestring = moment(this.timestampIn).format(this.tsFormat); if (typeof this.timestampIn !== "undefined"){ this.newDateo = dateobject; this.newDates = datestring; //console.log(typeof(this.newDateo)); << returns dateobject //console.log(typeof(this.newDates)); << returns string } }, true); }] });
new-dateo is date object which you should be able to use as your date.from / variable.
new-dates is date string which is formatted like you want based on momentjs format function.Usage in dashboard:
<gettime timestamp-in="10/05/2019 22:10:10" ts-format="DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" new-dateo="js" new-dates="jss"></gettime> {{js}} <br> {{jss}}
Result in dashboard:
Sat Oct 05 2019 22:10:10 GMT+0300 05/10/2019 22:10:10
<div ng-init="dateBar.from = ('2019-12-08T09:16:47.297' | maMoment:'toDate')"></div>