Global Script Validation Requires Save
I have just updated core to 3.6.4, and have discovered that a global script must be saved before validation "sees" the current state of the script.
If I remember correctly, I used to be able to edit a script and have validation operate on the current state of the script without having to first save the script.
This old behavior seems to be preferable, both for convenience and to be able to edit a script and test it without affecting the script being used by the system until a change can be made and tested.
Hi pyeager,
Sort of! I think what's happening is that the saved global script is being executed prior to the script that's attempting to be validated (and any other global scripts too for that matter) and so if there is an issue in the previous script saving will be necessary, as it will throw the script error. This was brought to our attention in a previous thread and there is a git issue open in the global scripts' repo about it, but that repo is private.