Dynamic Pages and Data Point values
I have problem with assigning Data Point variable from designer.points.
From the example "Live values"
<ma-get-point-value point="myPoint"></ma-get-point-value> <p>Raw point value is {{myPoint.value}} at epoch timestamp {{myPoint.time}}.</p> <p>Rendered point value is <span ng-style="{color:myPoint.renderedColor}">{{myPoint.renderedValue}}</span>.</p>
but my <ma-get-point-value> looks like
<ma-get-point-value point="designer.points | filter:{name:'P17'}:true | maFirst" ></ma-get-point-value>
and how to assign it to variable named e.g 'myPoint'
Best Regards,
I found that can use <ma-calc>
e.g.<ma-calc input="designer.points | filter:{name:'P17'}:true | maFirst" output="myPoint"></ma-calc>
Best Regards,
Dominik -
Hi Dominik,
Thanks for sharing the resolution!