mdp-time-picker refreshing issue
core 3.4.5 + mangoApi 3.4.6
Hello I'm experimenting with the mdp-time-picker where I store the light on/off times in arduino based controller as a Unix EPOCH. Works fine so far via the watch list. I have CV (current value) and SP (setpoint). I slapped together some very temporary code and everything works except when I click "test restore" all values restore accept for the HH::MM value in in the time-picker. When one drills down on it, the underlying info is updated and if I hit Ok then it gets refreshed. see attached screen shotnot so nice HTML stuff
<div layout="row" flex="" layout-wrap="" layout-align="space-between"> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c373b0f5-9962-42da-8f4e-732e4928549d" point="DY_103_OFT_CV"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c5b8682a-5404-4cff-8440-71b178164cc9" point="DY_103_ONT_CV"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_4de82242-f4df-4144-8d81-4657084a714a" point="DY_103_OFT_SP"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_01f2db2e-2aa4-466d-a9c5-f06e4420a3cb" point="DY_103_ONT_SP"></ma-get-point-value> <md-card-content> Growing Chamber <div layout="column" ng-controller="lightController" ng-init="init(1535557320,1535557920)"> <p>{{DY_103_OFT_CV.value}} PO:{{pendingOffTime}} </p> <p>{{persistOffTime()}}</p> <md-button ng-click="init2(DY_103_OFT_CV.value)" class="md-raised"> Test Restore</md-button> <mdp-time-picker mdp-placeholder="Off Time" mdp-format="hh:mm" mdp-open-on-click mdp-auto-switch="true" ng-model="pendingOffTime"></mdp-time-picker> <md-button ng-click="DY_103_OFT_SP.setValue(persistOffTime())" class="md-raised">Set to {{persistOffTime()}}</md-button> <p>END GC</p> </div>
userModule.js - not so nice code.
define(['angular', 'require'], function(angular, require) { 'use strict'; var userModule = angular.module('userModule', ['maUiApp']); userModule.component('myComponent', { bindings: { name: '@?' }, template: '<span>Hello {{$}}</span>' }); // d userModule.controller('lightController', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.init = function(aOffTime, aOnTime) { $scope.currentOffTime = new Date ( aOffTime * 1000); $scope.pendingOffTime = new Date ( aOffTime * 1000); }; //$scope.currentOffTime = new Date(0); //$scope.pendingOffTime = new Date(0); $scope.persistOffTime = function() { return ( $scope.pendingOffTime.valueOf() / 1000 ) } $scope.init2 = function( aOffTime) { $scope.pendingOffTime.setTime(aOffTime * 1000 ); //return( $scope.pendingOffTime.toLocaleTimeString() ); //return( "co:" + aOffTime * 1000 ); } }]); return userModule; }); // define
My only thought is for you is as ngModel is used for inputs, set the value by doing
$scope.pendingOffTime=(aOffTime * 1000);
Although you may need to make (aOffTime * 1000); into a moment object first... -
Thanks for the reply.
I removed the need for a controller albeit at the expense of not exactly what I wanted. I was access to the mdp-time-picker as setup under under mango so I can get events. I also did no see how to include moment in my module. Tried different ways but did not work.I ended up with this for now.
<div layout="row" flex="" layout-wrap="" layout-align="space-between"> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c373b0f5-9962-42da-8f4e-732e4928549d" point="DY_103_OFT_CV"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_c5b8682a-5404-4cff-8440-71b178164cc9" point="DY_103_ONT_CV"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_4de82242-f4df-4144-8d81-4657084a714a" point="DY_103_OFT_SP"></ma-get-point-value> <ma-get-point-value point-xid="DP_01f2db2e-2aa4-466d-a9c5-f06e4420a3cb" point="DY_103_ONT_SP"></ma-get-point-value> <md-card-content> Growing Chamber <div layout="column"> <div layout="row"> <mdp-time-picker mdp-placeholder="Off Time" mdp-format="hh:mm A" mdp-auto-switch="true" ng-model="offTime"> <p>Current Off Time: {{DY_103_OFT_CV.value * 1000 | maMoment:'format':'hh:mm A'}}</p> <md-button ng-show="offTime != null" ng-click="DY_103_OFT_SP.setValue(offTime.valueOf() / 1000)" class="md-raised">Update</md-button> </mdp-time-picker> <mdp-time-picker mdp-placeholder="On Time" mdp-format="hh:mm A" mdp-auto-switch="true" ng-model="onTime"> <p>Current Off Time: {{DY_103_ONT_CV.value * 1000 | maMoment:'format':'hh:mm A'}}</p> <md-button ng-show="onTime != null" ng-click="DY_103_ONT_SP.setValue(onTime.valueOf() / 1000)" class="md-raised">Update</md-button> </mdp-time-picker> </div> </div>
To get moment in your controller:
Changedefine(['angular', 'require'], function(angular, require) {
define(['angular', 'require','moment-timezone'], function(angular, require, moment) {
in userModule.js
Thanks. I