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Problem rendering grid in 3d amchart
i try to make a simple serial chart to work as 3d but the grids behind the bars are rendered as 3d and it looks really confusing.<ma-point-query query="{name:'Module Daily Energy 01'}" limit="1" points="points2"></ma-point-query> <ma-point-values points="points2" values="combined22" from="dateBar.from" to="" rollup="MAXIMUM" rendered="true" rollup-interval="1 DAYS"> </ma-point-values> <ma-serial-chart style="height: 400px; width: 100%" series-1-title="Energia Mensile Totale" values="combined22" points="points2" legend="true" default-type="column" export=true options='{ "theme": "light", "type": "serial", "depth3D": 20, "angle": 30 }'> </ma-serial-chart>
the result is this one and you can see the white background white lines that are shwon as 3d
In a basic 3d amchart example the grid is not like that
I tried to change the grid alpha of ValueAxes and CategoryAxis via the options with "gridAlpha":1 but whatever is above 0 the alpha doesnt change
I tried to change the amchart theme from light to dark but it deosnt work .. how do we switch amchart theme via mango ? because in the options the "theme": "black", is not working or any other themeAnd right now as i tried to export as jpg to post it here i realized that as soon as i click the download as button on upper right corner then suddenly the grid is render to normal and not as 3d and its like that which is correct
I tried to look in css and debug in files like
but couldnt find the cause ...
As it seems its should be a conflict with some other mango class or whatever custom amchart initialisation you are making in mango
Any idea ?
thank you :) -
I like the look of these 3D charts, How do you also add Axis tittles etc. to a chart like this? I cannot seem to get a 3D chart and the valueaxes: working at the same time with the option=
Hi uelojazz,
I can't say for sure what the cause is, but I was able to get it resolved by adding a styling to the gridlines to remove their fill opacity, like,
<style> .amcharts-axis-grid { fill-opacity:0 } </style>