I'd like to translate Mango to Spanish
Where do I start? How do I do it? Is it prepeared for localization?
Hi jjconti,
Yes, Mango is prepared for localization. In you look in the folder WEB-INF/classes you can find the i18n files. If you open messages_en.properties, you will see key=value text lines. You can translate the value part to Spanish and put the translated text in a new file messages_es.properties. Also add a line "es=Espanol" to the file i18n.properties.
Excellent. How can I contribute my translation later?
I'm interested in a Spanish translation too.
We can collaborate
Yo tambien estoy interesado en la traducción.
Podemos colaborar.
Where are you from? Post your mail and I'll get in touch.
De donde sos? Pasame tu mail para contactarnos.
Wonderful. If you need further information on submitting your translation, let me know. Basically all that we need is the properties file, the language name that will go into the i18n.properties file, and any dox files that you translated. We would also like your kind assurance that the translations are reasonably complete and accurate. :)
Please, take a look to:
http://mango.serotoninsoftware.com/forum/posts/list/611.page -
Great. Let me know when this is complete.