Mango Service on Windows XP SP3 problem
I still have problems installing Mango service on windows XP SP3,
installation is OK but when I start the service nothing happens,
I have always to start it with a command line.
This is a problem because mango is installed on a customer PC so it is not possible for me to switch to windows 7 where mango service have no problem.
Any idea about how I can solve such problem?
AntonioThis is the log when I start the command of the service in dos:
Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.C:\Documents and Settings\CLAUDIO>java.exe -classpath C:\Solergy\MA_HOME\yajsw\w
rapper.jar -Xrs -Dwrapper.service=true -Dwrapper.working.dir=C:\Solergy\MA_HOME
bin -Dwrapper_home=C:\Solergy\MA_HOME\yajsw\bat/.. -Djna_tmpdir=C:\Solergy\MA_H
OME\yajsw\bat/../tmp -Dwrapper.config=C:\Solergy\MA_HOME\yajsw\conf\wrapper.con
f -Dwrapper.additional.1x=-Xrs -Djna_tmpdir=C:\Solergy\MA_HOME\yajsw\bat..\tmp
giu 21, 2018 6:33:37 PM org.apache.commons.vfs2.VfsLog info
INFORMAZIONI: Using "C:\DOCUME~1\CLAUDIO\IMPOST~1\Temp\vfs_cache" as temporary f
iles store.
WARNING|wrapper|Service com.serotonin.m2m2.Main|18-06-21 18:33:37|YAJSW: yajsw-s
WARNING|wrapper|Service com.serotonin.m2m2.Main|18-06-21 18:33:37|OS : Windows
WARNING|wrapper|Service com.serotonin.m2m2.Main|18-06-21 18:33:37|JVM : Oracle
Using select timeout of 500
Epoll-bug workaround enabled = false
INFO|wrapper|Service com.serotonin.m2m2.Main|18-06-21 18:33:37|ahessian jmx serv
ice bound to port 15002C:\Documents and Settings\CLAUDIO>