Point Filter
Hello, I'm creating a page with the following code:
<div layout="row"> <md-input-container flex=""> <ma-filtering-point-list ng-model="point1"></ma-filtering-point-list> </md-input-container> <md-input-container flex="25" style="position: relative; top: 20px;"> <label>Preset</label> <ma-date-range-picker from="from" to="to" preset="LAST_6_HOURS" update-interval="1 hours"></ma-date-range-picker> </md-input-container> </div> <div layout="row"> <ma-serial-chart style="height: 300px; width: 100%" series-1-values="point1Values" series-1-point="point1"> </ma-serial-chart> </div> <div layout="row"> </div> <div layout="row"> <div layout="column"> <label>Historico</label> <ma-point-values point="point1" values="point1Values" from="from" to="to" rendered="true"> </ma-point-values> <md-table-container> <table md-table=""> <thead md-head=""> <tr> <th md-column="">Time</th> <th md-column="">Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody md-body=""> <tr ng-repeat="value in point1Values | orderBy:'-timestamp'"> <td md-cell="">{{value.timestamp | maMoment:'format':'ll LTS'}}</td> <td md-cell="">{{value.value}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </md-table-container> </div> <div layout="column"> <label>Estatistica</label> <ma-point-statistics point="point1" from="from" to="to" statistics="statsObj" style="position: relative;"></ma-point-statistics> <ma-statistics-table statistics="statsObj" style="position: relative;"></ma-statistics-table> </div> </div>
It looks like this:
The problem is that in the ma-filtering-point-list I would like the selected point to be fixed, but every time I click outside of the textbox it adds the dot. And I would also like that if I left the page and after returning to the page I would have the last point selected, like the data point details of the program itself.
@leoboeng said in Point Filter:
The problem is that in the ma-filtering-point-list I would like the selected point to be fixed, but every time I click outside of the textbox it adds the dot.
I'm not sure what you mean "adds the dot".
@leoboeng said in Point Filter:
And I would also like that if I left the page and after returning to the page I would have the last point selected, like the data point details of the program itself.
This can only be done if you write some custom code in a user module. It is something that is probably worth writing a component for though. I will look into adding something for the next UI module release.
@jared-wiltshire When I search the point and select it loads the data, then when I leave the text box the point does not appear, as in the second image I sent, there the only thing I did was click outside the text field of the filter point. I wish that when he clicked off he kept the point there as selected.