How I use chart from AmCharts
I need to use Animated Time-Line Pie Chart from AmCharts. And use Real-Time data in Chart.
Seeing how amcharts have kindly given the source code on how to do this; you would need to get your required data points. Use a get point values query for the respective data points required. Use a "1 YEARS" AVERAGE/SUM rollup if you have multiple values for a given year depending on what you are calculating.
Next write an angular component/directive which creates a time-line pie instance, and format the incoming point values with their points into the
"[ 'year' : [ { 'value' : 'datapointValue1', 'label': 'point 1 name'}, { 'value' : 'datapointValue2, 'label': 'point 2 name'} ]"
format.The supplied source code on amcharts will enable you to create animate effects etc.
To get yourself started, I suggest you look at Jared's pie chart directive then build on top of that in a new file, just be sure to change the name from pieChart to timePieChart so you don't cause any problems with the native UI components.Hope that helps!
Thank Fox!!