Please Note This forum exists for community support for the Mango product family and the Radix IoT Platform. Although Radix IoT employees participate in this forum from time to time, there is no guarantee of a response to anything posted here, nor can Radix IoT, LLC guarantee the accuracy of any information expressed or conveyed. Specific project questions from customers with active support contracts are asked to send requests to
Mango System starts up and operates, but now when I log into the editor the mango system comes to a screeching halt? Any thoughts?
Tried increasing Java space, but still the issue persists. maybe the following error messages will help? I'm at a loss at this point.
More stack trace information; I cant log on to the editor pages to make any changes or edit what is there.
Which Mango/bin/ext-available script did you move to Mango/bin/ext-enabled/ ? How much memory are you trying to allocate?
If it worked a few weeks ago, has anything changed? If nothing changed, is your events table large? Can you try purging it?
Memory-Large script was move to Mango/bin/ext-enabled/
How do I purge the events table if I can't get into the editor? -
The last time I was able to get into the editor, I added several new data sources AB PLC ethernet IP links.
That was probably 3-4 weeks ago.
I was trying to suss out and ensure you've used the memory-large.bat, not the .sh
You can purge the events by shutting Mango down, using Mango/bin/h2-web-console.bat (edit to have the -webAllowOthers if you're not working on the machine running this and you need to connect to the web console from another IP) and then running
delete from userEvents; delete from events;
You can find your login information for the web console in your file. You may also be able to access the interface if you start Mango in safe mode (by creating the file Mango/SAFE and then starting Mango), as some of your stack traces indicate your scripts may be one of the offenders as well. Then you could purge your events from the Purge Settings section of the system settings page.
OK, shutting down mango, I am not working on the machine running mango right now, but it is right here next to me.
so do i need to go through changing the h2-web-console.bat on the mango computer? -
OK I have done that, now how do I connect to the web console from this computer? Remember I'm not a programmer, and am trying to learn as I go here.
No worries.
@echo off rem rem | Copyright (C) 2006-2015 //infintie Automation. All rights reserved. rem | @author Phillip Dunlap rem rem | Runs H2 Web Console. (Script Version 1.0.0 - To be run from MA_HOME\bin) rem | Define the port to start H2 on... set H2_PORT=8085 rem | Check if MA_HOME is properly defined if "%MA_HOME%" == "" goto useCD if exist "%MA_HOME%\bin\ma-start.bat" goto okHome echo The MA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly: %MA_HOME%. Trying the current directory instead... rem | Check if the current directory is ok to use :useCD set BIN_DIR=%CD% pushd .. set MA_HOME=%CD% popd if exist "%MA_HOME%\bin\ma-start.bat" goto okHome rem | Don't know where home is. echo Cannot determine the MA home directory goto end rem | Found a good home. Carry on... :okHome echo Using %MA_HOME% as MA_HOME set EXECJAVA=java if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJava set EXECJAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java :gotJava echo Using Java at %EXECJAVA% rem | Put the whole lib folder on CP because we cannot do h2*.jar... rem | Add -webAllowOthers if you will be using the web console from an origin other than localhost "%EXECJAVA%" -cp "%MA_HOME%\lib\*" -web -webPort "%H2_PORT%" -baseDir "%MA_HOME%\" :end
has been added somewhere on the"%EXECJAVA%
line, probably best as... -web -webAllowOthers -webPort ...
Now run the h2-web-console.bat script, and navigate to http://[the computer ip]:8085
You can see the port is defined in the script as H2_PORT
ok in the H2 port.
I have been out of the office for several weeks, and am just getting back to this. I am still unable to get into the developer without the mango system freezing up. Here is a screen shot of when I tried to go into the reports at 12:08 today. The hard drive seems to be searching constantly never stops.![alt text](
image url)
Hi srennhack,
Of the steps I have offered, which have you done? Did you purge your events tables?
Do you still have out of memory errors in your Mango/logs/ma.log file?
The only step not tried is starting Mango in the safe mode. I did not see out of memory errors today.
Ah. I asked because there events didn't load in your header in the screenshot, which would lead me to believe you still have a very large events table (or you recently purged and have no events in the events table). The exception from the Meta point is unrelated to the performance issue beyond its being an event. How large is your events table currently?
You can try purging your audit table too, running
either in the H2 web console or in the SQL console page.There can be a caching issue on the excel reports page sometimes where the first time you load the page it doesn't pull up the list of templates. If you refresh this almost always brings up the list.
If the hard drive is going crazy, is it with reads or writes? If you have tons of meta points running often doing .past(MINUTE, 5) type operations, that would be a heavy read load. There are solutions to convert that over to using the cache. If you have lots of point values waiting to be written (check this on your /internal/status.shtm page), you can adjust the NoSQL settings to delay more for small batches and increase the small batch size.
Also, you can get the actual text of the stack traces you wish to post from the Mango/logs/ma.log or Mango/bin/logs/ma.log file. it's a lot better than screenshots of command prompts.
I guess I am just confused that the Mango data collection and screens that were created prior to Nov. of last year all work perfectly fine upon a restart of the system. And it is only when I try to go into the developer that everything stops working? I did create some reports back in Oct of last year that read string files from the AB PLC, and they are checking those points every 30 seconds. and the report is setup for a past 24hr period. and that all worked fine also up until the point that the Java system was upgraded, which appears to be the point where the problems accessing the Mango development screens started to occur. What can I give/send you that might help in resolving this? I don't feel that I am explaining things correctly, and not being a computer programmer, I am mostly lost with what you are telling me. as I don't know how to or where to access some of the files and setups you have described. I apologize for my lack of knowledge in this area. -
No worries. It is a lot easier to provide support if you are able to get text from your ma.log file. What are you unaware of how to access? You are navigating around the Mango/ directory in a Windows explorer, correct? Your ma.log file is the place to start. Any path I provide that begins with Mango/ is in your Mango's root directory, which it'll say it's using as MA_HOME during startup.
I don't know what you mean "the developer" as a location. It's best to take your nouns from the program, as then we're on the same page.
I would guess the upgrade to Java was incidental. If you were using a JDK, and are still, that's probably not the problem.
Log file attached
[0_1516188987376_ma.log.5.5](Uploading 100%)
At about 8:04 yesterday i tried to log into the mango system to try and edit, but at that point everything stopped, and I had to restart the system.