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Mango System starts up and operates, but now when I log into the editor the mango system comes to a screeching halt? Any thoughts?
Mango System starts up and operates, but now when I log into the editor the mango system comes to a screeching halt? Any thoughts?
@srennhack said in Mango System starts up and operates, but now when I log into the editor the mango system comes to a screeching halt? Any thoughts?:
when I log into the editor
What do you mean editor? Please be more specific.
@srennhack said in Mango System starts up and operates, but now when I log into the editor the mango system comes to a screeching halt? Any thoughts?:
the mango system comes to a screeching halt?
The browser window locks up or the Mango Java process locks up? Do you have any error messages, log entries... We need more details in order to help you.
Editor, meaning the screens that occur after I log in as administrator where the database files are setup and the DGLux screens are developed. When I start the server and mango loads all its processes and previously developed database info and then arrives at the login screen, at this point everything appears OK, and we are able to access previously developed screens and data. Up until about 6 weeks ago, I could also login and edit without issues. But currently If I login the editor does not come up and gives me a Local Host 8080 error?


Hi srennhack,
Out of memory! Have you looked into increasing your Java Heap space with one of the
scripts?If it worked a few weeks ago, has anything changed? If nothing changed, is your events table large? Can you try purging it?
The stack trace would indicate a meta point is the thread that actually wasn't able to allocate more memory. There's nothing crazy going on like...
while(true) { //Cause memory errors! this[new Date().getTime()] = new Date(); }
right :D? Or, also dangerous could be
if you have a lot of point values.
Thank you for your response, unfortunately I did not initialize this system originally, and have only been working with it for 6-months or so. I think Java was updated on this machine about 6 weeks ago. How would I go about increasing Java Heap Space? Steps to do that? Where/how would I find the information about the stack trace that you show? I am not a programmer as such, and have limited knowledge about this system. We do have around 500 points or so that we are monitoring, and I am wanting to add about 100 more.
- You move a file from Mango/bin/ext-available to Mango/bin/ext-enabled and modify its parameters to your machine if need be, then restart Mango.
You posted the stack trace. The most important line for googling would have been the last line,
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
The other calls in the stack trace show it was in your MetaPointLocatorRT.execute method when this thread got that error. This means it is possible your meta script is allocating memory poorly (as in my example while loop) but it's also possible the meta point just experienced the system's memory starvation and didn't itself contribute too much. You could try running Mango with your Meta Data Source disabled, and see if something in the scripting is the cause.
I would expect that you updated Java from a Java 8 to a later Java 8 and so I wouldn't expect that to have caused it.
OK, will work on that and let you know what happens.
Tried increasing Java space, but still the issue persists. maybe the following error messages will help? I'm at a loss at this point.
More stack trace information; I cant log on to the editor pages to make any changes or edit what is there.
Which Mango/bin/ext-available script did you move to Mango/bin/ext-enabled/ ? How much memory are you trying to allocate?
If it worked a few weeks ago, has anything changed? If nothing changed, is your events table large? Can you try purging it?
Memory-Large script was move to Mango/bin/ext-enabled/
How do I purge the events table if I can't get into the editor? -
The last time I was able to get into the editor, I added several new data sources AB PLC ethernet IP links.
That was probably 3-4 weeks ago.
I was trying to suss out and ensure you've used the memory-large.bat, not the .sh
You can purge the events by shutting Mango down, using Mango/bin/h2-web-console.bat (edit to have the -webAllowOthers if you're not working on the machine running this and you need to connect to the web console from another IP) and then running
delete from userEvents; delete from events;
You can find your login information for the web console in your file. You may also be able to access the interface if you start Mango in safe mode (by creating the file Mango/SAFE and then starting Mango), as some of your stack traces indicate your scripts may be one of the offenders as well. Then you could purge your events from the Purge Settings section of the system settings page.
OK, shutting down mango, I am not working on the machine running mango right now, but it is right here next to me.
so do i need to go through changing the h2-web-console.bat on the mango computer? -
OK I have done that, now how do I connect to the web console from this computer? Remember I'm not a programmer, and am trying to learn as I go here.
No worries.
@echo off rem rem | Copyright (C) 2006-2015 //infintie Automation. All rights reserved. rem | @author Phillip Dunlap rem rem | Runs H2 Web Console. (Script Version 1.0.0 - To be run from MA_HOME\bin) rem | Define the port to start H2 on... set H2_PORT=8085 rem | Check if MA_HOME is properly defined if "%MA_HOME%" == "" goto useCD if exist "%MA_HOME%\bin\ma-start.bat" goto okHome echo The MA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly: %MA_HOME%. Trying the current directory instead... rem | Check if the current directory is ok to use :useCD set BIN_DIR=%CD% pushd .. set MA_HOME=%CD% popd if exist "%MA_HOME%\bin\ma-start.bat" goto okHome rem | Don't know where home is. echo Cannot determine the MA home directory goto end rem | Found a good home. Carry on... :okHome echo Using %MA_HOME% as MA_HOME set EXECJAVA=java if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJava set EXECJAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java :gotJava echo Using Java at %EXECJAVA% rem | Put the whole lib folder on CP because we cannot do h2*.jar... rem | Add -webAllowOthers if you will be using the web console from an origin other than localhost "%EXECJAVA%" -cp "%MA_HOME%\lib\*" -web -webPort "%H2_PORT%" -baseDir "%MA_HOME%\" :end
has been added somewhere on the"%EXECJAVA%
line, probably best as... -web -webAllowOthers -webPort ...
Now run the h2-web-console.bat script, and navigate to http://[the computer ip]:8085
You can see the port is defined in the script as H2_PORT
ok in the H2 port.