Point Details page- how to export and import the extreme sets and rollup with CSV
On the point details page under the point properties section .. the new features rollup and prevent extreme sets.... How do we get this exported out with the point to a file. I exported the DS points to csv however I do not see any column associated with these attributes??
It is currently not possible. We're developing Mango 3.3 right now, and I think it's quite possible adding some missing columns to that CSV is in the cards. Here's a link to the git issue just made: https://github.com/infiniteautomation/ma-core-public/issues/1150
Thanks Phil, this would be very useful for enforcing limits on controls and with hundreds of points to setup it would be helpful to import this for sure.
Yeah, we're planning on getting this into 3.3
In the mean time, you can write something to decorate your JSON with your extra columns. Meaning, import the CSV, export the JSON, decorate the JSON, import the JSON.
Hi Phil, I am wondering if this feature about incorporating the point configuration for prevent extreme sets columns into a csv export/import and allowing us to assign these extreme set parameters with csv import on a point by point basis?
Reading your instruction above about importing csv and exporting JSON and now I am unclear what you mean because it seems preventextremesets is or should be part of the property template.. I finally realized you mean exporting the point definitions in JSON and editing only the ones I want to update and then re-importing the JSON. Sadly this is a huge task with 15000 points and difficult to work without using an inline editor and then configuring it to only change the extreme on points with the right property template xid.
The property template JSON exports these attributes and shows the default values for the setExtremeLimits.
How can I change the default values for these extreme attributes though the property template?
"setExtremeLowLimit": -1.7976931348623157e+308,
"setExtremeHighLimit": 1.7976931348623157e+308,
"preventSetExtremeValues": false -
Hi Phillip,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is a bug in the JavaScript and will be fixed in today's core release.
Here's the fix if you want to apply it yourself, https://github.com/infiniteautomation/ma-core-public/commit/b50d33d750e54f855672a86d19a9680f23f7f7b2
Thanks Phil, I will get it on the update and test it out.
While I got your attention... Is there a way to pass serialchart options into a <ma-watch-list-chart> and affect the serialchart .. like options="{valueAxes:[{minimum:0, strictMinMax: true, axisColor:'black', color:'black', title: 'Liters', titleColor: 'blue', stackType: 'none'}]}" Will this work if I put it inside the <ma-watch-list-chart> tag ? -
@phillip-weeks said in Point Details page- how to export and import the extreme sets and rollup with CSV:
Thanks Phil, I will get it on the update and test it out.
While I got your attention... Is there a way to pass serialchart options into a <ma-watch-list-chart> and affect the serialchart .. like options="{valueAxes:[{minimum:0, strictMinMax: true, axisColor:'black', color:'black', title: 'Liters', titleColor: 'blue', stackType: 'none'}]}" Will this work if I put it inside the <ma-watch-list-chart> tag ?Please post separate issues in separate threads in the correct forum.