Mango quit data logging - and I didn't know it
Turns out Mango just stopped data logging - for the past 7 days - and I didn't catch it. Mango wouldn't quit either (after issuing the correct commands from the command line via SSH.) I finally had to reboot the processor (Rasp Pi) to get it going again. Any suggestions on how to keep track of Mango operation? (The processor was running fine and there was plenty of memory available.)
Hi mlavelle42,
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I was AFK when this was posted and I missed it. Saw it from your other post about the Excel Report.
We often do this by publishing points from the internal data source to another Mango. Then you can have low limit or no update detectors on your monitor Mango, and you can configure the monitor Mango to send the alarm emails.
Good suggestion. Thanks.