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Ant build terminates with no messages
Sorry, had a delay in getting back to trying this out...
Sad new, it still does not work. I even went so far as to completely remove my local get repository and then pull the ma-core-public and ma-modules-public again. From within Eclipse the maven install runs and completes. But even if I do the maven update on the coreBundle, com.serotonin.m2m2.Main does not exist. -
Hi Matt,
No worries. Sorry it's not proving to be so straightforward!
Can you try copying ma-core-public\Core\maven-local\com\infiniteautomation\mango\ma-priv to C:\Users\username\.m2\repository\com\infiniteautomation\mango\ma-priv (delete the existing folder before copy) and searching for the Main class again?
Also, you may wish to copy the and the files from ma-core-public\Core\classes\ to ma-core-public\Core\maven-target\classes\ and modify there. You could move the log4j configuration too, if you're not providing it explicitly as a VM argument.
And so the saga continues:
Sorry again for the delay, seems business keeps getting in the way of progress.
Still no joy.
Also, you talk about and, what are the purposes of these files. -
The file has various settings that will affect Mango, settings which do not change at runtime.
The file has translation values for the default case (English) because Mango supports translation.
Hmm. I did it on my fresh computer, completely clean install, and assuredly shared all steps done. I guess I'll do it again later.
So, while I continue to not succeed, let me pose this question. The driver I am ultimately wanting to develop is in many ways, nearly as complex as BACnet MS/TP, certainly more complex than Modbus, both of which are separate development trees. Would I be better off looking at these as working examples to develop my driver or does that still require what we are trying to accomplish here in getting the basic Mango to build?
You are building this driver for Mango? If so you'll want to be able to run Mango in a debugger possibly. If you can build modules (mvn install in the module's directory) and you get its zip into maven-target then you could do all your testing on an existing Mango instance, sure.
Both the Modbus and BACnet data sources are private, but the protocol implementations are open.
To answer your question, I would use the Serial Data Source as one example for writing the Mango module, and then I would look at other modules depending on the specifics of your driver.
I think I will try to go back, clear things out and try this once more from scratch.
I have just done this again, new Eclipse workspace on the previously fresh computer. I started by deleting C:\Users\Phillip\.m2 to attempt to get it back to perfectly clean. Then I opened a new Eclipse workspace and cloned the projects from Github. I right clicked on the Core\pom.xml and did a Run As... --> Maven Install. I had to set / add my JDK again in Eclipse, through Window --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs, (as well as the nested "Execution Environment" panel for JavaSE-1.8 and 1.7). Then I got some errors about Jars when running the maven install after setting the JDK. So, I did a Run As... --> Maven Clean on Core\pom.xml. Then I closed Eclipse, then deleted C:\Users\Phillip\.m2\repository. Then opened Eclipse into that workspace again, right clicked on Core\pom.xml, Run As... --> Maven Install ... success! Debug configurations.... Java Application --> New, selected project CoreBundle, did a search for Main classes, com.serotonin.m2m2.Main was right there in the list. Selected that, added the -Dma.home="C:\IA\Instance4\ma-core-public\Core" VM argument and started Mango.