Script variable assignment not updating, requires stopping script, and restarting script.
Recently we detected the loss of our barometric measurement in our turbine efficiency calculation. We use a script to aggregate the Data Points, and organize the data for a ModBus TCP publisher. We localized the loss of barometric data to a line of script that assigns the Daq data to the script variable.
The data points before and after the line that stops updating continue to update, so we know the script is running, and not terminating on that statement. If we stop the script and restart the script, the Baro_Pres_Daq.value starts updating the script A40231 script variable (see attached snapshot) I attached the script Jason file.
Windows 10, Mango install running as a service, core 2.7.10, modbus 1.6.5, scripting 1.1.2
This has occurred a few times in the last year.
Hi FlexBob,
Do you have any data type exception errors in the log for the data source? The event message text contains "Script data type error setting point". What is Baro_Pres_DAQ's data type?