Purge data 'newer than', not just 'older than'
When a sensor malfunctions or some other bad data is recorded/generated, it would be nice to easily purge data with a 'newer than' option rather than just 'older than'.
The UI could just look like this:
I believe this would be quite an easy modification to implement, but very useful!
Jeremy -
For anyone who also has this issue, the best option at present is to to create a watchlist with the affected points, then export data in .xlsx format for the affected period.
Bad rows can be marked for deletion in excel by entering 'delete' in the modify column. The .xlsx file can then be imported via the 'data import' module page and the marked rows are deleted from the database.
On a MangoES, this took around 1-2 seconds per ten rows. If you try to process too much data (like many hundreds of rows) then Mango might crash and you may have to restart it (check with Infinite Automation for more info).
- Jeremy
suggest make one from to option