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Newbi problems
Hi together,
I know that my questions might sound very strange to you but I'm not a professional, yet I really want to test this software.
First of all I would like to know if the test scenario I want to create can be done with the free licence.
- Reading and setting few data points via MODBUS TCP
This is basically all.
Now my special questions if this should be possible.
I started MANGO from the extracted m2m2core zip file and I have downloaded my free licence from the store.- Where do I have to copy this licence to? Is the MA_HOME folder the folder I started Mango from?
- When I tried to add a data source a window came up saying "vo not definded". Is this due to the missing licence or is there another reason for that?
Thanks for your help. As soon as I know that the software can do what I want I'll have a professional working on it in the future.
Did you see my reply to your previous thread?
You can add up to 25 data points using the free Modbus TCP module. You can read and write to these.
The free Mango Automation license is limited to 3 user sessions or IP addresses (then you have to restart).
Hi Jeremy,
yes I saw your reply in the previous thread but I was not shure if it works with the free version.
OK. This answers my first question.
The second one remains. Where do I have to copy the licence and what is this message for?
In my experience you don't need to install a license at all to use the free version.
I am not a developer so I'm only guessing, but the message doesn't sound like its related to the license.
It sounds more like you have left something incomplete. You should make sure that your modules and core are up to date.Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
the modules page in Mango looks like this:
Is this normal or should there be the different modules?
I downloaded the modbus module from the store but I also don't know where to copy this to? -
You need to install the modules. Copy the zip files (do not extract them) into the /web/modules directory and restart Mango.
thanks the module is installed and I already connected to my Webbox.
But how do I come from the description in the SMA Modbus e.g. S32 to the settings for the data points.
I'm meaning how do I come from something which is described in the Webbox as S32 to 8bit signed integer or so?I'm getting values but they are not correct.
The SMA doc uses words I think.
U32 means unsigned four byte in mango
S16 means signed two byteEtc