Timeout error when call getExtendedDeviceInformation
I'm having problem with discovery devices when using method 'getExtendedDeviceInformation'. The application stops and after some time I got a timeout error.
To test the BACnet I use VTS application. The VTS respond 4 times but it looks like the BACnet4j doesn't see the responses.P.S.
Also the VTS can see 'Iam' message so it's not a communication issue.public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { LocalDevice localDevice = new LocalDevice(12, ""); localDevice.getEventHandler().addListener(new Listener()); localDevice.initialize(); localDevice.sendBroadcast(47808, new WhoIsRequest()); // Wait a bit for responses to come in. Thread.sleep(1000); // Get extended information for all remote devices. for (RemoteDevice d : localDevice.getRemoteDevices()) { localDevice.getExtendedDeviceInformation(d); List<ObjectIdentifier> oids = ((SequenceOf<ObjectIdentifier>) localDevice.sendReadPropertyAllowNull(d, d .getObjectIdentifier(), PropertyIdentifier.objectList)).getValues(); PropertyReferences refs = new PropertyReferences(); for (ObjectIdentifier oid : oids) addPropertyReferences(refs, oid); PropertyValues pvs = localDevice.readProperties(d, refs); System.out.println(pvs); System.out.println(d); } localDevice.terminate(); } private static void addPropertyReferences(PropertyReferences refs, ObjectIdentifier oid) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.objectName); ObjectType type = oid.getObjectType(); if (ObjectType.accumulator.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.units); } else if (ObjectType.analogInput.equals(type) || ObjectType.analogOutput.equals(type) || ObjectType.analogValue.equals(type) || ObjectType.pulseConverter.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.units); } else if (ObjectType.binaryInput.equals(type) || ObjectType.binaryOutput.equals(type) || ObjectType.binaryValue.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.inactiveText); refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.activeText); } else if (ObjectType.lifeSafetyPoint.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.units); } else if (ObjectType.loop.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.outputUnits); } else if (ObjectType.multiStateInput.equals(type) || ObjectType.multiStateOutput.equals(type) || ObjectType.multiStateValue.equals(type)) { refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.stateText); } else return; refs.add(oid, PropertyIdentifier.presentValue); } static class Listener extends DefaultDeviceEventListener { @Override public void iAmReceived(RemoteDevice d) { System.out.println("IAm received" + d); } }
Can you get a trace of the request and response, i.e. the byte streams?