Buffer_READY event notification
I defined a trend log object in bacnet slave application this like
BACnetObject ai0 = new BACnetObject(localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.trendLog)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.enable, new Boolean(true)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.stopWhenFull, new Boolean(true)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.bufferSize, new UnsignedInteger(20)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recordCount, new UnsignedInteger(0)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.totalRecordCount, new UnsignedInteger(0)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.notificationThreshold, new UnsignedInteger(4)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.loggingType, LoggingType.polled);
And I added value to ai0 object this like
SequenceOf<LogRecord> lrs = (SequenceOf<LogRecord>) ai0.getProperty(PropertyIdentifier.logBuffer); count++; ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recordCount, new UnsignedInteger(count)); ai0.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.totalRecordCount, new UnsignedInteger(count)); LogRecord lr = new LogRecord(new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()), true, new Real(ai0value), new StatusFlags(false, false, false, false)); lrs.add(lr);
I think, when record count value is reach the notificationThreshold value(in example this value is setted 4) Buffer_Ready notification event can be sent. Buffer_Ready notification event will be either automaticly sent by bacnet4j or manually in program. How can I send Buffer_Ready event notification
A trend log in a BACnet4J should really be a subclass of the BACnetObject class, like the existing FileObject.
So sorry I can not understand that "subclass of the BACnetObject class".
Trend log object is working in bacnet4j, isn't it. Have you ever anyone test it before.
I need help about trend log.