PropertyArrayIndex=null with SlaveDeviceTest
I have downloaded and run bacnet4J 1.2, then I have tried to run the SlaveDeviceTest together with the DiscoveryTest. Of course, I have adjusted the IP address.
This is my output:IAm receivedRemoteDevice(instanceNumber=1968, address=Address(networkNumber=0, macAddress=[a,1,a,47,8,14]), network=null) ObjectPropertyReference(objectIdentifier=Analog Input 0, propertyIdentifier=Object name, propertyArrayIndex=null) ObjectPropertyReference(objectIdentifier=Analog Input 0, propertyIdentifier=Units, propertyArrayIndex=null) ObjectPropertyReference(objectIdentifier=Analog Input 0, propertyIdentifier=Present value, propertyArrayIndex=null) RemoteDevice(instanceNumber=1968, address=Address(networkNumber=0, macAddress=[a,1,a,47,8,14]), network=null)
This is my code on SlaveDeviceTest
BACnetObject ai0x = new BACnetObject(localDevice, localDevice.getNextInstanceObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.analogInput)); ai0x.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("AAAAAaaaaAAAA")); ai0x.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.units, EngineeringUnits.centimeters); localDevice.addObject(ai0x);
My question is: why is the propertyArray null? Shouldn't it contain my values instead?
No. An ObjectPropertyReference is a reference to an object property, as the name would suggest. It is not the property value. It is the propertyArrayIndex that is null. A reference does not have a propertyArray.
Thanks! My next question is: how do I get the object property/propertyArray/whathever contains my values?
This is the code from DiscoveryTest:
for (RemoteDevice d : localDevice.getRemoteDevices()) { localDevice.getExtendedDeviceInformation(d); List<ObjectIdentifier> oids = ((SequenceOf<ObjectIdentifier>) localDevice.sendReadPropertyAllowNull(d, d .getObjectIdentifier(), PropertyIdentifier.objectList)).getValues(); PropertyReferences refs = new PropertyReferences(); for (ObjectIdentifier oid : oids) addPropertyReferences(refs, oid); PropertyValues pvs = localDevice.readProperties(d, refs); // pvs. Iterator<ObjectPropertyReference> i=pvs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } System.out.println(d); }
That's pretty much it, yes.
On the SlaveDeviceTest, I have set
ai0x.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("AAAAAaaaaAAAA")); ai0x.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.units, EngineeringUnits.centimeters);
How do I get them on the DiscoveryTest?
To clarify: I don't know how to get the property values. The code posted prints the reference instead of the actual values...
Please let me know how to rectify this, thanks.
PropertyValues pvs = localDevice.readProperties(d, refs); Iterator<ObjectPropertyReference> i=pvs.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ PropertyValue pv = pvs.get(; System.out.println(pv); }
It works! Many thanks! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: