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Trend Log defination for SlaveDevice
I need to help about trend log. Are there anyone used trend log in slave device.
Anyone has not used trend log before with bacnet4j. why does anyone response my question
I guess the answer is no. What are you trying to get from the trend log? If just the history, can't you just send a request for the log buffer, or the part of it you want?
There is a device as bacnet IP master. And this this device can read trend log object. So that The Object that define in my bacnet slave application can be defined as trend log. So I need trend log object in my application. I see object properties The object can be defined as a trend log. Bu I dont understand how can I use it. I need a example?
Thank you for your help!
Maybe I couldnt explain my problem. Really I need help.
We are developing bacnet slave software. And I want to buffering some value. For example sometimes bacnet master can be closed. for reason We have to define the object as trend log. Is it correct. What is the other properties to define object as trend log object. We need a example for this. -
Something like this maybe?
LocalDevice localDevice = null; BACnetObject obj = new BACnetObject(localDevice, new ObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.trendLog, 0)); obj.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.objectName, new CharacterString("My trend log")); obj.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.enable, new Boolean(true)); // Define other properties as necessary. SequenceOf<LogRecord> buffer = new SequenceOf<LogRecord>(); obj.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.logBuffer, buffer); obj.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recordCount, new UnsignedInteger(0)); // Add records to the buffer. LogRecord record = new LogRecord(new DateTime(), new Real(123), new StatusFlags(false, false, false, false)); buffer.add(record); obj.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recordCount, new UnsignedInteger(((UnsignedInteger) obj.getProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recordCount)).intValue() + 1)); // Update totalRecordCount too, if required.
This is a very basic approach. A better way would be to subclass BACnetObject as was done for FileObject in the same package, and then implement the spec for trend log in the encapsulation.
Thank you for your example.
But I think We have to send BUFFER_READY notification to make ready. How can I send it.
After We have to wait the BUFFER_PRUGED notification to reset buffer. Is it ok?
Thank you for your help!
Is there any one response me. I need help.
Thank you!!!
how can i use mango master to get data/value from simulator device and monitor the simulator using any data source like modbus/dnp3/bacnet etc. please help me