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Add a Recipient to a Notificationclass of the local Device
I want to add a fixed Recipient in the Recepientlist from a Notificationclass of my local Device when i initialize the local Device.
I tried some with setProperty but it doesn`t works.
Who can help me to fix this problem?Thank you for any ideas
I think the following should do the trick:
// Create the notification class object. BACnetObject notif = new BACnetObject(localDevice, new ObjectIdentifier(ObjectType.notificationClass, instanceNumber)); // Add it to the local device. localDevice.addObject(notif); // Ensure the recipient list property. SequenceOf<Destination> recipientList = new SequenceOf<Destination>(); notif.setProperty(PropertyIdentifier.recipientList, recipientList); // Create the static destination and add it to the list. Destination destination = new Destination(recipient, processIdentifier, issueConfirmedNotifications, transitions); recipientList.add(destination);
Thank you.
Your post helped me.