How to implement a virtual device
Hi there!
I'm new to BacNet and the BacNet4J-Implementation. My goal is to implement a virtual BacNet-Network for educational purposes.
So my actual idea is to set-up some virtual machines, which should act like a BacNet-Device. One of these Machines should be something like a Command-and-Control Server to read (or write) Values to the Devices. Probably like reading temperatur values or commanding a device to start/stop the heating. The physical section like the temperatur sensors should be mocked, so these virtual devices will return something like randomly generated temperature-values and so on.
So my main question is: Are there any example-Implementations of devices? This would be helpfull for me to get a quick start for developing.
My other question is:Are there any specifications on how to implement a device?
Greetings and thanks for your anwsers,
Benni -
Check out the SlaveDeviceTest class in the src_test folder. It's not a tutorial or anything, but it should hopefully give you enough hints to get you going.
Thank you for that answer, it will be a great help.