Modbus 32 bit
Can Mango read 32 bit modbus registers?
I am hoping to read values from a SMA cluster Controller with some addresses being 16 bit and others 32 bit.
Thanks in advance.
You would be using Modbus I/P with SMA cluster Controller, not Modbus4J. Yes most registers would be 4 Byte (32 bit) Integers, but 2 Byte (16 bit) Integers are no problem.
Can confirm Mango works with the SMA Cluster Controller using Modbus-TCP. I haven't run into any issues with it.
Thanks for the replies guys. -
I am reading a 16 bit integer holding register on my serial modbus RTU ( it works fine with Mango)
^ this spam problem is so annoying :/
Hi Jeremyh and Ballistar,
I just thought I would let you know I have mango up and running with the cluster controller. Thanks for your input!!